Lawn Care Frequently Asked Questions
Is your organic Lawn Fertilizer or your Colorado Blend Fertilizer better?
They are both excellent fertilizers. They each have their own benefits to the turf/soil. It ultimately has to do with your preference. I would say the slight difference is the Organic helps the soil health more, and the Colorado blend has more “firing up” potential. Please remember, fertilizer is just one of the “slices of the pie” that combines to give you a good looking lawn.
What all contributes to having a healthy and green lawn?
Water is a large part of having a good looking lawn. Proper watering is such a huge part of your success. Other contributing factors include aeration, mowing higher instead of shorter, fertilization, building soil health.
Please tell me more about “proper watering”
When watering, you need to make sure you are getting a good deep permeation of water. Ultimately, you want the water to soak in a good 4-5”. Certain lawns that have slopes or lots of south and west exposure may need multiple shorter watering to get that good soaking in. You need to cut into the soil and get your hands dirty to find out the water depth. It’s hard to put the same amount of time on each sprinkler zone, and get equal watering throughout the lawn. Each sprinkler head varies in its output, plus you get different exposures that may require more or less time. Get your hands dirty to find out!
What time should I water my lawn?
Early and late in the season, you can water in the evening, or early in the morning. As the heat during the summer increases, move it back further into the night. Night watering allows a better chance for the water to soak in, and less evaporation. Deep watering 3 days a week, and allowing the lawn to dry out in between discourages disease, while maximizing water usages. Water is such an important resource that we should utilize it as effectively and efficiently as possible.
My lawn has been thinning out over the years, what should I do?
It sounds like you need to overseed your lawn. Our process of scraping the soil, overseeding with a high quality grass seed, and then composing has shown excellent results in establishing, or renovating a lawn. Many of our overseeding principals come from farming sensibilities. You shouldn’t expect to throw grass seed on the surface and have great success.
I keep hearing about organic material helping the soil, why?
The more organic material you add to the soil, it helps build the health of your soil. We do a lot with compost topdressing to address this need. As compost breaks down, it helps stimulate microbial activity, reduces compaction, releases nutrients (including micro-nutrients), gives the lawn a darker appearance, reduces disease, and increases soil health. We are finding more and more university studies confirming the importance of soil health to improve turf health.
Why do you say “healthy lawns, healthy soils”?
All our trees, bushes and lawns out here have been brought in from other parts of the country, or are brought down from the mountains. The front range is a made up environment, that exists on a high plains desert. Water and soil management is such a huge part of having healthy trees and turf. A tree’s root system extends out further than you think, and is shallower than you think. By watering and impacting a large area, such as your lawn, you really impact a big part of your trees root system. By allowing the turf water to soak in deep, and building the soil through good practices, you really can help and stimulate your trees root system.
Is aeration an important part of a healthy lawn?
Aeration is one of the more important parts of helping a lawn. As the aerator pulls plugs, it helps in breaking up the surface layer. By breaking this layer up, it helps allowing water to soak in deeper into the soil, allows more oxygen into the soil, helps keep the thatch in check, stimulates soil microbial activity, and much more. There is no “best or wost” time. It’s just a good idea to do it in the spring and fall.